Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Creativity Overdrive

This image expresses the energy that I'm feeling.
Image by MDragonwillow

Do you ever have those times when you can hardly sleep because the muse is by your side constantly, inspiring you to create and you can't do anything but create. Yeah, that's what I'm going through right now. It's like I was dormant for so long that the flood gates have opened up. The universe is afraid that if I don't get it all down, I might go back to sleep again.

Created by MDragonwillow in FB.

creativity is buzzing
lighting me on fire
dancing in my blood
muses do inspire

And I had an epiphany last night.

When you suddenly realize it just doesn't matter and you write whatever the hell you want to write.

Row80 Update:

I'm here again, hopefully I will stay on track this time and will be back again after this session ends and the next one begins.

Writing 750 words a day or three pages in my journal for Journaling as a Spiritual Process. -Definitely writing more than 750 words a day.
Writing at least a poem a day. - Yep, on track
Writing at least 500 a day on, A Poet's Life. - Not yet, this may have to wait until next session but I will fit in some brainstorming for this to see where it wants to go.
Writing the daily countdown posts and coordinating the volunteers for, OctPoWriMo: 31 Poems in 31 Days posts. - On track here.
I'm back at StoryDam, writing posts and helping with the Thursday night chats. I posted, Book Review - Mapping Your Hero's Journey with Tarot and I'm working on the author's interview post.

What are you working on?

Visit the other Rowers and share word love along the way.

I hope the rest of your week is filled with creativity.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage. You can find out more about her and how she can help you "move your body and move your words" on her blog.
Yes, she is on Google+ too!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Finding and Staying Me

One of the things I've been working on this past year and a half, is finding and staying me. When I'm in a relationship with someone I tend to change, to become something not wholly me. Mostly I think it's to keep the peace, although my last ex would probably disagree with that. But I think it is also reflecting the other person back at them as they are reflecting me back at me. I'm tired and I hope that made sense.

This is a poem that I created because of my feelings around that.

Photo by MDragonwillow

Sometimes I wonder if that is even possible but I'm doing my best to find the authentic me before getting near someone else, romantically speaking. Its been a year and six months, longer than I've ever gone without dating, longer than I've ever gone without being in a romantic relationship. Long over due I'm sure. Maybe if I'd taken the time when I was younger... ah well, no looking back, only forward.

What is the longest you went between relationships? Were you able to find your center and keep it for your next relationship or the one you're in? Any words of wisdom?

If you like writing poetry or would like to explore writing poetry, check out OctPoWriMo.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage. You can find out more about her and how she can help you "move your body and move your words" on her blog.
Yes, she is on Google+ too!

Friday, September 1, 2017

A Poet's Life

This has been a difficult year (more like a year and a half) for me, as I'm sure it has been for others as well. I allowed myself to fall into the pit of depression and despair but I've worked my way out. I've been attending women's energy circles, meditating, giving myself Reiki, Karuna ki and Innerspeak sessions, reading, using tarot and oracle cards, journaling, and more to get myself out of this funk.

Finally I am making myself get out there, doing massage therapy again, chatting with friends, making new friends, taking workshops and planning to facilitate workshops. Oh, and taking care of my new fish aquarium with platies, black mystery snails, and ghost shrimp, and taking care of our two new hermit crabs.

I can finally breathe again. I am writing again, the words have been flowing to the page. Poetry has come back into my life.

I have taken to the habit of keeping my poetry magnets next to my laptop as there tends to be a lag going from page to page. If I play with my magnets it gives me two benefits, one being of course creating poetry. The other, it helps keep me relaxed instead of frustrated. That's how I created the poem above, though I used the magnetic words to inspire this piece instead of it being all magnets.

Below is a short poem I actually created with the magnets.

Life ebbs and flows and thank goodness it is flowing again.

Check out the OctPoWriMo Countdown!

Row80 Check in:

I'm writing 750 words a day or three pages in my journal for Journaling as a Spiritual Process.
Writing at least a poem a day.
Writing at least 500 a day on, A Poet's Life. Yes, it has the same title as this post. It seems it wants to be a whole lot more than a post. We'll see what becomes of it.
It is also that time of year again when I'm prepping for OctPoWriMo: 31 Poems in 31 Days. I'm writing the daily countdown posts and I'm coordinating the volunteers for October's posts.

Yeah, it kind of sounds like a lot but I'm doing my best to stay organized.

Row80 is a Round of Words in 80 Days, hop on over and visit the other participants and share word love along the way.

Morgan Dragonwillow, author of Wild Woman Waking & Dancing within Shadow, is a Bodywork transformer, dancing poet, motivator of words, magical instigator and creatrix of #OctPoWriMo and #PoetsonthePage. You can find out more about her and how she can help you "move your body and move your words" on her blog.
Yes, she is on Google+ too!