Saturday, December 3, 2011

Spreading Love - Time Invested Relish11

When I first looked at the #Relish11 Prompt 03 my first thought was, "At home spending time with my granddaughter." The second time I read it it was after reading many of yesterdays posts and replying to those that had RT me on Twitter. It reminded me of how much time I spend Spreading Love.

There is so much going on in the world right now that many are focusing on the negatives of life. I refuse to do that. I am not perfect and definitely am not looking through rose colored glasses but I Choose to focus on love and how I can love myself and others into a better present.

I still try to keep up to date on what is going on in the world but I do it in small increments and when I feel myself getting angry about something that is going on I stop and ask myself what is the best thing I can do right now for whatever this is.

Even if I can't physically go out and participate at the moment I pass the info along and/or send loving words out that might make someone smile.

I purposely take the time to comment and like what is interesting on Facebook hoping that it will brighten someones day.

I look for Quotes that inspire; love, creativity, and positive actions.

I Create art that hopefully inspires creativity in others and encourages them to spread love in there communities.

Physically I am home, spending time loving my granddaughter but I am also doing all that I am capable of doing to help spread love over this wave we call the Internet.

If not Love, then why are we here? I believe it is all there is and if you don't love yourself... stop what you are doing and make loving yourself a priority in your life. You will see that the result will be a more loving present for all.

What choices do you make that show you that you love yourself? How do you encourage love in your environment? What can you do to begin Spreading Love on a regular basis?

Morgan Dragonwillow


  1. I think your final paragraph makes a wonderful prompt in itself:

    "What choices do you make that show you that you love yourself? How do you encourage love in your environment? What can you do to begin Spreading Love on a regular basis?

    Wow... and Yes!!! I need to think about these things. :)


    p.s. What a wonderfully wise - and beautiful - grandmother you must be!

  2. Thank you Tui, I love being a grandmother but I definitely understand why it is better to have children when you are young (I am co-parenting with my daughter) My granddaughter is two years old and has only one speed, full throttle. LOL.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.