Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finally Clear about My New Years Declarations

Feeling good about the end of January and what I have accomplished. I hope you feel good about what you have accomplished in January as well. No more regrets, no more feeling like we haven't done enough. We do what we can and we keep moving forward.

At the beginning of this month I didn’t even really know what my goals, declarations, aspirations, inclinations and resolutions really were. It kind of ruminated within me all month. I would receive a little piece at a time until it slowly then suddenly showed me what I really wanted to happen this year. I wanted to take my writing to the next level. I wanted to get finish writing my stories and get them published, I wanted to increase what I was doing with my blog, enter contests with my writing and possibly write for magazines as well. As of a week ago I see clearly how this is all possible thanks to all the wonderful online tools and writing friends that I have discovered.

It has only taken me nearly forty years to make this happen. I shake my head and wonder why I have allowed it to take so long for me to get serious about my dream.  I was eight years old when I said I wanted to write a book. Eight.  I let my father’s insecurities and doubts color what I thought of my capabilities. I allowed it to control what I thought about myself and what I could and couldn’t do. It has taken me nearly forty years to undo the damage that sunk in so deep it has taken bulldozers to dig them out.

If you are reading this and you have some wound buried deep inside of you that is keeping you from your dreams, I say dig it out now. Don’t wait. Don’t let it control your life and prevent you from achieving your purpose. I hope that you can find the courage to do what is necessary to go after your dreams. Ask for help, write it out, spit it out and let it go. Because really, it is only hurting you, well… and preventing the rest of us from enjoying your great work whatever it may be.

It is the end of January and I am feeling good about my accomplishments for the month. I am feeling good about the clarity and focus I now have and I know it is only going to get stronger.

I won’t hold back anymore and I hope you will drop the chains that are holding you back and move forward in this wondrously adventurous journey.  2012 is my year I encourage you to let it be yours as well. We can do this together, you and I, we can be authentically ourselves and loving what we do. 


  1. Love this post! You're ahead of me because I'm going to be forty seven this year and I've wanted to be a writer since I was eight but my mother is a born pessimist who will always tell you that any dream you have is sure to fail. And the tragic thing is that for years I believed she was right!

    1. We are kindred spirits then, we both wanted to be writers since we were eight years old and we both had pessimistic mothers. Mine told me when I was 13, "Never get your hopes up about anything because it won't come true." They (our mothers) must have been pretty sad to not believe that anything good could happen.

      Soooo... are you with me in making it happen this year? No more excuses for either of us, we can only make this happen for ourselves. No one else is going to make this happen for us. I don't know about you but I am tired of thinking about writing when all I want to do is write. With all of these online tools and supportive friends there is not a reason why we can't make it happen. Are you with me?

  2. I hear you, Morgan; well-written post. Like you, I am enjoying meeting writers online. They offer so much.

    1. Thanks for stopping by KM, and I look forward to seeing you again!


  3. It is truly sad how folks pass their insecurities on to their children. However, like a true Valkyrie you have recognized the chains that had you bound and you have shaken them off. Awesome. I look forward to reading some of your work one day soon.
    May your days be blessed with many smiling faces and happy laughter.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Prudence, it is sad but all we can do is work on healing our wounds so that we don't pass it on down the line.

      Many Blessings to You,

  4. I hear a trumpet sounding!! So grateful we have gotten to know each other... and yes, I am with you - this is a fantabulous year... now and for each of the next 11 months!

    1. Fantabulous... I like that! I too am grateful to be getting to know you and look forward to sharing many triumphs this year!



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