Friday, January 27, 2012

My Writing Goals for 2012 - ROW80 Week One

It seems incredible that it has only been less than a week since I discovered a wonderful world of writing on Twitter. First I found out about #wordmongering through Julie at Julie Unplugged that I have found to be a wonderful writing companion. Then through our #commenthour discovered how many of us were either working on books or wanted to be working on a book. Within our weekly #commenthour, as we were discussing writing, #row80 came up, as well as many other wonderful writing tools such as Yarny; which I absolutely love!

I started #wordmongering in Twitter on Monday and discovered I could write the max of 1400 words in 30 mins. By the end of the day I decided I would rather slow down and do quality rather than quantity. Now I am typing from 800 to 1000 in a 30 min. session.

I have a couple of books I am working on but I have decided to work on just one for now. It is a young adult sci-fi fantasy.

My first goal is to attend #wordmongering 3 times a day. It seems to be working for me so I am going to stick with it. That is three sessions of 30 mins. a day.  I did four today but I don't know how often I will have time for that. My total word count today was 3530. On average this week it has been around 2000 a day.

My second goal is to keep up my main blog Shadow Rhythms with at least three posts a week. It is very important to me that it doesn't suffer because I have created another blog for this writing adventure.

My third goal is to find guest bloggers for my blog as well as offer my services as guest blogger on other blogs.

I think I am going to leave it at that for now. I am sure I am going to add and expand them as time goes on.

I look forward to sharing this writing adventure with you.

Do make the Comment Fairy happy and leave your words of support and words of wisdom.


P.S. If you want to check out the other Blogs that are participating:


  1. Here you are, Comment Fairy....

    These are wonderful goals, and now I have lots MORE things to be delighted by.....and so, I have already been blessed...

    So glad you are ROwing with us!

    1. So strange, I could have sworn I left you a reply on this comment.

      I am most grateful to be Rowing with you as well!


  2. glad you found us ROWer's -we're a nice bunch - good post now I must try #wordmongering keep hearing about it and a new one I haven't heard about #commenthour must play on Twitter more!! what is yarny soounds fun -

    anyway it is great hosting others - I started end of last year and really enjoy it - a great way of meeting new people and helping - I started because I was so impressed with all the hosts on my book tour and wanted to repay - so go for it its good - and if you ever want a spot to guest post my blog door is usualy open

    all the best with your goals

    1. Hi Alberta, Yarny has a system called Cloud that you can write your novels online and no matter where you are you can write. Plus it makes everything fall back to the background when you start typing so there are no distractions. I just started using it yesterday and I love it. No I am not affiliated but here is the link to it.

      #commenthour is a group of bloggers that get together once a week to chat on Twitter and share their blog links. It is great fun, come join us this Wednesday at 9:30 EST

      I would like to take you up on doing a guest post for you. I will contact you with some ideas soon!

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I look forward to many writing adventures with Rowers in the future!


  3. Wow! Fantastic word count! Wish you success with everything!

  4. Julie's pretty awesome, isn't she? Welcome to the ROW :) Best of luck with your goals.

    1. Yes, I am enjoying my new friendship with her on Twitter. She is a great source of kind and loving support.

      Thank you Ryan!


  5. Your word counts really blow me away.

    I'm really excited about #row80, #wordmongering and meeting you during #commenthour!!

    This is a great adventure, happy to have a buddy along for the ride :)

  6. So glad to be on this wonderful ride with you too! I love all of these tools that we found this past week that are helping us achieve our writing goals. Love it!


  7. Morgan, my current vocabulary for you is on the lines of wow -wow! WOW! Your word counts are impressive -as is your outlook. :)

    ROW80 is a super group to be part of; I'm glad you have taken the initiative to take part. Your goals are good ones to start with; I feel you will have no problems sticking to them. :) I look forward to catching up with you as the round continues. :)

    1. Thank you Yikici! I am enjoying the group greatly!

      I look forward to seeing more of you as well.


  8. Those are good opening goals, Morgan. Your word counts are impressive, I'm glad #wordmongering is working for you. There are many great writer groups on Twitter, #MyWANA is one of my favorites, besides #ROW80 of course.

    By the way, as introduction, I'm one of the ROW sponsors.

    Have an excellent week :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Gene, it is a wonderful group that you sponsor!


  9. I just found you through #commenthour and I love this. This post has given me some great things to look at this week.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.