Thursday, January 5, 2012

Year of Change 2011 - My Epiphanies, Realizations, Insights, and Discoveries

Wow what a year 2011 was. It would be easy to focus on all of the negatives that have happened in the past year but what a ride of discovery and change it has been. 2011 was a pivotal year for me from finding out about the different timing of my astrological chart to the many epiphanies throughout the year.

The creation of Shadow Rhythms and all of the insights into using the shadow planets to further understanding my shadow journey of course is high on my list.

Using music and dance to connect to my muse.

Creating change by changing the way I think.

That standing still doesn't have to be boring, bad, or stagnant but can be an enlightening time listening to the stillness within as well as learning to just be. (I have certainly had a lot of "just be" time.)

Diving into my creations and daring to allow myself to truly explore the possibilities. Gaining true understanding that my creations do not have to be quick and easy; they can be slow and intricate.

Embracing being a grandmother and all that it means to be a Mama to a Mama.

Realizing that change is constant and necessary for spiritual growth.

Discovering what I actually need from what I thought I needed.

Most of all a deep understanding of what is truly important above everything else and what I am most grateful for... my family.

There is probably so much more but I believe less is more in these times of great change. With a very grateful heart, I hope you can see all of the wonderous changes from your year and feel as blessed as I do.

What epiphanies, realizations, insights and discoveries did you make in 2011?

How have the changes blessed your life?

Peace and Healing,
Morgan Dragonwillow

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