Friday, March 23, 2012

Story Flash Friday - Herstory 3

This is a Story Flash Friday challenge! If you don't know March is Women's History/Herstory Month and Every Friday during the Month of March I am going to post a writing challenge with that theme in mind. The winner of this writing challenge will receive a new copy of Old Friend From Far Away: The Practice of Writing Memoir; one of my favorite books by a fabulous woman writer, Natalie Goldberg. (Since there wasn't a winner last week I decided to keep this as the book for this week.) My grown daughter will be picking the winner.

Here is the writing challenge:

Write your flash fiction story, from 200 - 300 words, using all the prompts, post it on your blog, and link it below. You have until Midnight EST this Sunday to get it posted. The winner will be announced on Monday  and I will need an email or Twitter ID to be able to contact you for your snail mail address to mail your book.

Now for the prompts:

Prompt 1

Prompt 2

Write about the most courageous woman you knew/know from the 1900s and how her story gave you wings.

Let the Writing Begin!

Share this challenge with your writer friends 


  1. Nice to meet you, Morgan! I like your prompts; I'll have to see if I can work some of them into my current online fictional project. If not, maybe they'll pop up somewhere else...

    1. Thanks for stopping by Susan, glad you like the prompts. Hope you find a good use for them.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.