Saturday, April 7, 2012

Gentle With Your Heart - A Poem and Row80 Check In

Happy Spring!


always with your heart

flowing through

satisfied with your self

forgiving too

transforming with your words 

speaking true

expanding with your love

sharing anew



Hi Rowers! I know I haven't mentioned it but I have been busy this last week working on the transition for Story Dam. I and three other writing friends, Tui Snider @mentalmosaic at Mental Mosaic Susan Silver @cirquedumot at Cirque Du Mot and Nicole Rivera @riverand at Rivera Runs Through it are the new team and we are doing our ReLaunch tomorrow, Sunday. I am very excited. Hoping that once things get a little settled I will be able to participate more over here at Row80 because I have promised myself that I am going to spend quality time with my writer friends once it does!

I am excited about my memoir. This week I really turned a corner with it after worrying that once again I was stalling out. I am writing every morning and enjoying the flow of words.

I am keeping up with my morning pages, I so love to purge. (and it seems my poetic meanderings are flowing over into my other writings. It's either comical or may want to make you vomit.) :D

I am taking everything one step at a time and keeping my goals in mind. I did stumble a bit with this poetry challenge, skipped two days, but I plan on working to fill in the days that I missed.

I am reading more this round because I felt that last time I was so obsessed with the writing and social media that I didn't take the time to enjoy reading, which I love.

Looking forward to catching up with all of you and seeing what you are doing this round!

Hope you have a wonderful holiday!


Blessings come in many forms and I always feel blessed when you choose to share.

Some of my poetry from this week:


  1. Happy Spring to you too. Liked your poem, it's so hard on these warm sunny days to NOT feel happy about life.

    1. Hey Mike, thanks for stopping by and I'm glad you enjoyed the poem.

  2. Hey, Morgan!

    Looking forward to the launch of StoryDam's website and while I do not know if I can participate, please know I am cheering for you. Glad to hear about your memoir progress; sounds like it was quite a breakthrough.

    Love the authenticity of your poem, Morgan; it so reveals your open heart. Frankly, that's true of all of your poetry that I have read. I would imagine keeping up with the poetry challenge is stimulating, perhaps to say the least.

    Like you, I am reading more this round, which grounds me as a writer as well as giving me enthusiasm for my own work. Oh, what worlds words give us.

    Peace to you, my friend,


    1. Hi Karen, Thank you for your support and encouragement. I am enjoying the poetry challenge though I am not good about writing them everyday. I am definitely enjoying reading more this round and it sounds like we are both hitting a stride with Row80 at least for now. :D

      I also wanted to thank you for all your support for StoryDam. It warms my heart.


  3. What a fabulous check-in :) It sounds like you had a great first week. Story Dam looks interesting and I wish you well with the relaunch. All the best for the upcoming week.

    1. Hi Raelyn, Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your words, I appreciate your support and incouragement.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.