Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Making Connections and a Poem - Row80 Second Round Begins

Caring not for

what is seen

purple jasmine in

hair so clean

black as night

the turtle hides

truth will out

heart breaks inside


I had a hard time with C. It took me all day to find that place and begin with the first line. I asked my daughter  for a C word and she immediately gave me THE C word. I told her I didn't think that would do. I dig inside and pull and tug for something that will release, to connect. Ah now that is a C word connect, making connections. Isn't that something we are all trying to do, make connections. 

We reach out then pull back again and again. I debated whether continuing the journey with my fellow Rowers at A Round of Words in 80 Days. I have so much going on in my life right now I thought I didn't have time. But at the core, this group is about me, about what I need to support my writing. So I am here, ready to begin the next round.

My Writing Goals:
  • As you can see I am participating in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge April 2012 as well as NaPoWriMo and Penny for Your Thoughts National Poetry Month: April #30in30 Challenge Basically this boils down to me writing a Poem a day on my blog and I am using the A to Z Challenge as the prompt. It is my intention to push the boundaries of my writing by doing this poetry challenge.
  • Writing in my Memoir weekday mornings for an hour to an hour and a half with my Memoir writing buddy, Tui at Mental Mosaic. It is really early, 6 a.m. EDT, so it is definitely a challenge for me. You can join us at #earlyword #wordmongering if you are a morning person. (or are still up from a late nighter)
  • Writing daily in my online morning pages. It helps me to purge before I start my day. 

I am keeping it simple because there is so much going on in my life right now. I am happy just to be writing every day. I look forward to this Rowing journey and making more connections with my fellow Rowers.

If you enjoyed this post please share 


  1. All sounds great Morgan. The combining of the two challenges, using one as the prompt for the other was a crafty and rather clever plan! Kudos. :)

    1. Thanks Shah, I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your words with me. Crafty and clever... nice C words to add into the mix. :D


  2. Lovely, haunting poem, Morgan and image seals it. Am so glad you are staying with ROW80 for another round as we all benefit from your presence. Want to explore Story Dam with you.

    I have a poem for my day; doesn't get much better than that.


    1. Thank you Karen, I greatly appreciate your support and encouragement. I look forward to this word journey with you. :D

      Glad you liked the poem.



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