Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Writing Experiment - Row80 Check In & Goals

Last month I began JuNoWriMo fast out of the gate. It felt good to be writing and having my words flow onto the page. It was great until I hit somewhere between 17,000 to 19,000 in the first week. Suddenly the flow stopped. I felt confused. I liked the story I was writing. It seems that happens with most of my stories (except for my collection of stories for my memoir). I start out strong then suddenly it dries up.

I decided to really explore this and see what was happening. I also started looking around at other writers and could see that others were having a similar problem.

This month I am doing an experiment with a class called Fast Draft facilitated by Candace Havens. It is basically vomiting onto the page a rough draft for a manuscript, fiction or non-fiction, in the first two weeks and then going through Revision Hell the last two weeks.

I say it is an experiment because though I am using her process to spur me on, (I paid $20 for the class and though it is not a lot of money I don't care to have paid it for nothing) I am using my writing process to keep me going. I want to see if I stick with this process if I am finally able to finish a book that I can publish as an ebook. That is my goal for now.

My writing process is a book I started when I was staying at the Lake House which I have nearly finished but until I can actually finish a book using my writing process (besides the book itself) I don't feel I can publish it. Hence my writing experiment.

My Row80 Goals:
  • Writing 20 pages - 5000 words per day for Fast Draft and having a completed book by Aug. 9 (except for the first day, June 7 when I wasn't home, I am on track) 
  • Posting my Row80 check in at least once a week
  • Finally getting my current guest posts written and completed (this may not happen until next month after Fast Draft is completed)
  • Using my book on writing, Opening to Miracles - Writing to the Finish Line - How to Kick Start and Sustain Your Writing Process, to complete my Fast Draft novel on Shapeshifters (doesn't have a title yet) then get it published.
That about covers it. See you all again next week for updates on this journey.

Please visit the other Rowers and give them your support by leaving your comments/word love!

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  1. Hi Morgan! Glad to hear that Fast Draft is working for you! I absolutely love it... Candy is really on to something with it! Good luck with your goals the rest of the week!

    1. Yes it is intense but good! Thanks for stopping by and for your supportive word love!


  2. Good luck with your goals and with Fast Draft.

  3. I lose momentum on novels, too. I think that's why the whole Fast Draft idea clicked with me. In my case, at least, my inner critic attacks me after my opening idea burst. With Fast Draft, I don't have time to look back.

    I'm really curious how Revision Hell will go - that's when we step back into our messy first drafts and start some editing.

    Your Row80 goals sound very focused and do-able. I'm excited for both of us this round!


    1. I just realized I forgot to give you credit for sharing the info on Fast Draft with me. I very much appreciate it!

      I found even with the Fast Draft process I was still having the same trouble at about the same place of 17,000 to 19,000 words so that is why I am using my process along with Fast Draft to help keep me going. Yes I think it is partly the inner critic and partly that I haven't planned well enough to be able to continue to write.

      I too am very much looking forward to the Revision Hell weeks and getting into the meat of editing!

      I am sure that with all the support that we are giving each other and the drive to complete this that we will have a completed manuscript by the end of it.


  4. I think a lot of ROW writers are also Fast Draft grads--and I've heard enough good things that I know I'm on board, next time it's offered. I'll be curious to hear how a two-week Fast Draft novel edit operates.

    Thanks for the insight!

    1. I love to share insights and glad you are going to do the Fast Draft next go around. It is very helpful in the writing process. I will be sharing my experience with the two week editing process or as Candace calls it, Revision Hell.

      I look forward to hearing what you think of it yourself. Thanks for stopping by!


  5. Fast Draft sounds fascinating and terrifying. I'd never heard of it until this post. Something to consider. I think I'll see how your updates go first. :-) Best of luck!

    1. Thanks Tia, it is fascinating and terrifying. When I am in the flow it feels wonderful but when I'm not it is excruciating. I am making it work though because this is the year I am going to make it happen and what ever tools I can use to achieve it I will. :)



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