Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Journey to Me and a Row80 Check In

My Shadow
Once again I am looking at my life and wondering, "Who the heck am I?" I am looking at my websites and Facebook pages and it all feels like so much but they are all pieces of me. I want to bring them all together. I want to have less that I have to keep track of and more of me on one page. Does that make sense?

Compassionate Heart
The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are.  ~Jim Morrison

Over the course of the next week or so I am going to be doing just that. I am going to discover how I can pull it all together (except for Story Dam which will stay its own entity), bring it down to one blog, and one Facebook page as well as my personal FB profile. It will be an interesting task and it will take some diving into me to discover what it is I am wanting to share with the world and who I really am.

Do you know who you really are?

Dragonwillow Journeys

 Seriously how many of us really know who we are? How much time do we spend really getting clear about what we want, what we really want, what is best for us and who we really are. Can you say with certainty that you are truly your authentic self on a daily basis?

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.  ~Dr. Seuss

It seems to me that each blog had a purpose but with each one what I was really trying to do was be more of me; to be able to say what I wanted, create what I want to create, and explore what I want to explore.

Like the sky opens after a rainy day we must open to ourselves.... Learn to love yourself for who you are and open so the world can see you shine.  ~James Poland

Only time will tell how all the pieces of me will fit together.

Row80 Check In:

Chaos flows through my life and my goals get thrown to the side of the road. Doing my best to get back on track. Oldest daughter is in town and it seems many of my buttons are not only being pushed but are being pounded into smithereens.

  • Haven't accomplished much editing or revising over the last week. 
  • I have taken a few pictures this week and posted them on Facebook.
  • I am continuing with my reading; currently reading Blood Lines by Tanya Huff.
  • So far I am keeping up with my check ins at least once a week.

That is all for now. Please hop over to the other Rowers and leave some word love.

I am looking at all of my FB pages and blogs to decide how I can combine them. Would love for you to throw suggestions out there for me to ponder. You can find them all here:

Shadow Rhythms Blog
Shadow Rhythms FB Page
Dragonwillow Journeys Blog
Dragonwillow Journeys FB Page
of course My Writing Blog
and My Writing FB Page


  1. Maybe it's time for a website. Keep the blogs seprrate if they each have their voice. Let the website point the way. Then one FB page for the website.

    My thoughts, for what they're worth.

    1. Most find that websites are obsolete and blogs are where it is at now because they are constantly being updated where as websites only get updated once in awhile. I actually have had several websites and my blogs do much better than they ever did. My problem is since I created this blog the other two are very, very neglected. I can keep up with posting for the FB pages but blog posts are much harder to keep up with.

      Thanks for leaving your thoughts. I greatly appreciate it.


  2. Perhaps the question of exploring who we are, really, is what takes us to the unknown where we discover how much more we can be. Well, that's what I'm considering these days.

    After I publish a book or two, I am considering a website that links to my blog for I do see the two as having different roles. I'm not convinced that a separate Facebook page is worth the effort especially since those professional pages do not have the outreach they once did, if I am understanding the current changes Facebook has made now that it is on the NYSE.

    As always, Morgan, follow your heart.


    1. Hi Karen! So nice to see you!

      I think I have realized how I want to do it. It came to me in the shower as a lot of my insights and inspirations do. WordPress is a wonderful place to create a site that has the capabilities to actually have more than one page that looks and acts like a blog. I have discovered this while working on the Story Dam website.

      As far as the Facebook pages go, I like the abilities they have of people being able to follow and get updates. It also seems like I am seeing all those that I have liked in my news feed that I want to see as long as I have gone to their page, hovered over their liked button and clicked on "show in news feed."

      Thanks so much for stopping by!


  3. Seperate blogs might help.

    I have a mummy blog.

    A seperate blog for my writing and art.

    And a seperate blog for the story I am working on right now (by the way if you want to check that out it would be much appreciated.)

    Click on chapter 1 and if you enjoy it please Like and share and follow etc.

    In return I'm following you :)

    Good luck organising everyhting :)

    1. Hi Cas, I went to your blog and checked out chapter 3. I enjoyed it and left a comment. Good luck to you.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


  4. Wow, you've had a time of it! I understand what you are saying about feeling fragmented. So many social media obligations can do that. It's awesome to see you taking a breath, stepping back and determining what is you. Follow that path... not what everyone tells you to do. I hope things settle with you and your daughter. Family can be tough. Be at peace. That's what matters! Good luck, I'll be thinking of you.
    Cheers, Cate (ROW80)

    1. Thanks Cate, I appreciate you stopping by and sharing word love and support. I did get through my oldest daughter visiting and I think some healing happened; time will tell. I have figured out how I want to bring everything together and I will be working on that in the coming weeks.

      Thank you for the good thoughts.



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.