
Grab a cup of tea or coffee (oh what the heck, get a danish too!) and sit a spell. You might want to grab your notebook and pen because you never know when you will be inspired to write down a quote, or jot down a poem of your own. Words are like that, they take you on a journey and the next thing you know you are breathing life into your own magical world of words.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Women's History Month - Row80 Check in

Tomorrow is the beginning of March. Besides the fact that I can't believe we are already starting the third month of 2012, it is Women's History month; which you will hear me refer to as Herstory instead of History from here on out. After all it is Her story that we are talking about during the month of March not His story. Though His story can be nice, entertaining, and interesting as well.

Every year I have told myself that I will do something special for Women's Herstory month and up until now I have let every year go by without anything happening. In the past I wanted to help to facilitate a women's festival and this year I have chosen to celebrate through my blogs instead; basically have a blog festival of celebrations throughout the whole month.

I am going to have a lot of fun celebrating women throughout the month of March on both this blog, on Shadow Rhythms and on Dragonwillow Journeys. The write up for each blog:

A Writer's Universe
Herstories Blog-Festival
Women's Spotlight Herstory Writers
Fantasy Flash Fiction - Wild and Daring Women Stories

Shadow Rhythms
Herstories Dancing with Shadow and Creativity
Women's Music Herstory
Sacred Body Herstory

Dragonwillow Journeys
Healing Herstories
Herstory Healers
Circle of Herstories

If you are a woman and would like to contribute to one or all of these blogs any of your Women's Herstories in the topics above, email me at awritersuniverse@gmail.com. Please put the name of the blog in the subject line so that I know which blog it is for. If you would like to suggest other Women's Blogs, Women Writers, Women's Music, or Herstory Healers to be spotlighted on my blogs please email me their information and her special story to be spotlighted.

I hope that all of my men followers understand this isn't to slight them in anyway; it is to honor women and their Herstories. If you have something you are doing to honor women during the month of March, I would love to hear about it and I will share it with others.

Row80 Wrap up for February:

I have learned so much during the month of February and really I have to include the end of January when this all began for me. I went back and looked at my original goals for this journey and was happy that I had stayed on track with most of them. I discovered I could write over 3000 words in one day. I discovered my competitiveness for wordmongering. I discovered many wonderful writing friends. I discovered that I could change my goals, when needed, and have compassion for my journey. I discovered that I can use my need for instant gratification to write Flash Fiction and short stories while I am writing my novel.

Row80 Check in:
  • I have accomplished more than 30,000 words for my WIP (I am amazed) 
  • I did one guest post
  • I started the Teen Fantasy Fiction Anthology Writing Contest and found a wonderful organization, Arts Corps, for me to contribute a portion of the sales to.
  • I entered one Flash Fiction contest; didn't win but it was a learning experience.
  • I wrote two Flash Fiction stories for this blog.
  • I am beginning to hear my true voice in my writing.
Row80 Goals for March:
  • WIP word count I am dropping down to 500 a day just for March
  • Writing everything in 750words.com to reach a goal of 50,000 words badge
  • All of the above for Women's Herstory Month
  • Continuing Teen Fantasy Fiction Writing Contest to completion date, 3/20/12
  • Continue with #Commenthour and #FlashbackFriday 

That about covers it for me. I hope you will join me in celebrating Women's Herstory Month. May you have many wonder-filled and joyous writing adventures during the month of March. Remember... if you are writing, you are a writer.


Check out other Rowers here...


  1. Wow, Morgan, I knew you had accomplished a lot but I had no idea how well you've done. Congratulations, my friend!

    A month of Herstories, oh I am so looking so forward to March with Morgan but then I truly do enjoy reading your blog posts. Always, I leave with something to think about. Thank you for that, Morgan.


    1. Thank you Karen, I am hoping I haven't bit off more than I can chew.

      I am glad you enjoy my posts and I love to get people thinking. :)

      Always a joy seeing you.


  2. Congrats on your word count for the month! That's amazing!

    1. Thanks, I was very determined and just kept writing. It may not be all good but it is a great beginning to reach my goals. It showed me what I am capable of and I am very pleased.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  3. What a fantastic February!! And March is looking exciting too. this is truly exciting, Morgan I can't wait to see it all come out. Keep up the excellent work. :)

    1. Thank you Nicole, I appreciate you stopping by.


  4. I love the idea of Herstory! Also great job on February! WOW! This month has been a ton of writing for me on my blog 36 posts in 23 days.

    I'm going to start following the ROW80 and maybe #wordmongering too. Thanks for this!

    1. Wow Sarah, 36 posts in 23 days is fantastic! Congratulations! The Row80 group is wonderful and #wordmongering has helped me get my word count up quite a bit. Glad you will be joining us Rowers. :)


  5. I will think about writing a piece of flash fiction for you. I am not familiar with the rules, but my style is brief anyway! I have two female fantasy characters that I love writing stories about. Or I could dig up my old fantasy parody story.

    1. Hi Susan, I hope you do decide to submit a Flash Fiction piece and I look forward to reading it. There are sites that explain what Flash Fiction is and give tips to help you if you need them. I only recently discovered the wonderful world of Flash Fiction and I love it!



Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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