Gaining an understanding of who you are not only can be very empowering but it can also help you to have a deeper sense of self love. The more self love you have the more your creativity will bloom.
Self Love
What is true self love? Is it knowing that taking care of yourself first is going to help you take care of others? I believe it is a deep inner knowing that no matter what you are loved by the Divine Spirit, that you feel that love within in you, you feel connected to the all and accept all parts of yourself because they all make you who you are; perfect in your imperfection.
Working with Shadow Timings
Grab a cup of tea or coffee (oh what the heck, get a danish too!) and sit a spell. You might want to grab your notebook and pen because you never know when you will be inspired to write down a quote, or jot down a poem of your own. Words are like that, they take you on a journey and the next thing you know you are breathing life into your own magical world of words.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Bursts of Creativity
It is interesting that even though I had a busy weekend that was full of frustration I still found time to create. In fact I think I created more art within this past weekend than I normally create in a whole week.
I love how much I have freed up my internal creator and allowed my Muse to work through me instead of constantly worrying about how it will look and if anyone will like it.
Most of the time I find that I would rather be creating than doing almost anything else. I really don't have time for television any more. I do like watching funny movies but otherwise I am finding less and less use for T.V. programs. A majority of them treat mainstream public like we are a bunch of neanderthals unable to think for ourselves at all.
I even think that the less I watch the more creative I become. It is very interesting indeed.
If you find that you are turning on the T.V. automatically, try not turning it on right away. See what happens. If you feel anxiety turn on the radio instead. Look around your house, what can you do with your freed up time? Is there something that needs tending to? Is there an old creative project just waiting for your attention?
Maybe you will find that you have bursts of creativity that turn into steady streams. It feels quite wonderful to be able to express and see the results of allowing your Muse to inspire you.
I love how much I have freed up my internal creator and allowed my Muse to work through me instead of constantly worrying about how it will look and if anyone will like it.
Most of the time I find that I would rather be creating than doing almost anything else. I really don't have time for television any more. I do like watching funny movies but otherwise I am finding less and less use for T.V. programs. A majority of them treat mainstream public like we are a bunch of neanderthals unable to think for ourselves at all.
I even think that the less I watch the more creative I become. It is very interesting indeed.
If you find that you are turning on the T.V. automatically, try not turning it on right away. See what happens. If you feel anxiety turn on the radio instead. Look around your house, what can you do with your freed up time? Is there something that needs tending to? Is there an old creative project just waiting for your attention?

I would love to hear what inspires you. Tell me your favorite inspiration that lights you up and gets you into a creative mood.
Morgan Dragonwillow
Friday, April 22, 2011
Mercury Retrograde Coming to an End
On Sunday Mercury Retrograde will be coming to an end by going direct. How did you fair during this Shadow Timing? I had several computer glitches, communication snafus and my car has been in the shop pretty much the whole time.
No I am not immune to Mercury Retrograde I just understand that when things pop up it is telling me there is something I need to look at, something I am missing, something from the past, and possibly something that is keeping me from moving forward until I clear it.
It has also been a very productive time for me. Since I didn't have my car I stayed at home quite a bit which freed me up to create! I have had so much fun creating in the last few weeks and I am looking forward to creating more. I have had lots of time for writing which has positively exploded for me this last month and a half.
Every seemingly negative message has a positive message hidden within it; opportunities that are just waiting for you to notice them.
Much love and blessings,
No I am not immune to Mercury Retrograde I just understand that when things pop up it is telling me there is something I need to look at, something I am missing, something from the past, and possibly something that is keeping me from moving forward until I clear it.
It has also been a very productive time for me. Since I didn't have my car I stayed at home quite a bit which freed me up to create! I have had so much fun creating in the last few weeks and I am looking forward to creating more. I have had lots of time for writing which has positively exploded for me this last month and a half.
Every seemingly negative message has a positive message hidden within it; opportunities that are just waiting for you to notice them.
Much love and blessings,
Morgan Dragonwillow
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Increasing Self Love
Saturn asks that you look at what isn't working for you. What have you been doing for so long that no longer serves your present. What in your li
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Fear-Why Do We Let it Stop Us?
What is the essence of fear? Do you even know why you are afraid? Does anyone? To hear what goes on within our mind you would think the banshees were on our tail. Always feeling the threat of the next thing or the last thing which is it?
People are afraid of the past, afraid of the future and completely avoiding the present. What is so awful about the present that we want to numb ourselves out with everything imaginable that we even invent new ways of doing it?
Well isn’t that something… you are being creative even when you are numbing yourself out.
Hmmm, so even when you are not trying to be creative, even when you say you are not creative in any way shape or form, you are creative in the avoidance of being in the moment. Wow…what a thought.
How would you live this moment differently if you sat right here within it? What would you do if you said you weren’t going to be in yesterday and you aren’t going to be in tomorrow, that you are going to stay right here, right now, in this moment?
Well… it is this moment. Leave your comment on how fear is stopping you. What are you willing to do to let go of your fear? I look forward to reading your comments.
Morgan Dragonwillow
Monday, April 18, 2011
Working with Shadow and the Importance of Play
Just because you are working with shadow does not mean you have to be serious all the time.
In fact, play is an important ingredient to working with shadow.
Without play you most likely would not allow your creativity to blossom nor would you allow yourself to take risks.
- Think about when you were a child of about five or six.
- What did you enjoy doing?
- How did you play?
- What games did you play? Hopscotch? Foursquare? Barbies? Shoots and Ladders? Monopoly?
- Did you like to draw?
- Did you make up adventurous stories?
- Did you have a bead set to make yourself jewelry?
- Did you have a weaving set to make potholders?
- Did you like to swing, skip, dance?
Pick at least three things that you liked to do as a child and have fun playing and reconnecting with your inner child. Skip on your lunch break, buy colorful beads and make yourself a necklace or bracelet, ask a fun friend to lunch and play shoots and ladders.
Allow your little girl or little boy to come out and play. Most of all have fun!
Much Love and Blessings,
Morgan Dragonwillow
Friday, April 15, 2011
Empowering and Authentic Reasons For Changing Your Name-Why I Changed Mine
If the energy of your name no longer fits and you have changed so much that you no longer feel like the same person, it might be time to consider changing your name. It could be time to discover one that resonates with you, is empowering, and authentic to who you are.
This is my journey of how and why I changed my name.
My mother named me after my Great Aunt and her son, my cousin. Most of my life I thought my name was alright but I didn't love it. Growing up I was a frightened and shy child that practically screamed out of her pores VICTIM which carried over into my young adulthood. I definitely didn't feel empowered or authentic though I had dreams of one day being happy, independent and strong.
Something inside of me kept tap, tap tapping to come out. Small assertions began to happen. Slowly I began to stand up for myself and assert my right to be and take up space.
Interestingly enough it was my spirituality, or rather the changing of it, that began my journey of deciding to change my name. I was in a Wicca class and the discussion was choosing a circle name. I was intrigued. I looked at tree names because I love trees. When I came upon Willow and read the description, I knew this was my new circle name. A Willow bends but does not break. I liked that. I wanted to be like the Willow, to be able to bend with the wind and not break.
I was twenty-six years old and didn't even truly realize how weak or how strong I really was. I was strong in standing up for my girls. I was definitely a real Mama Bear but for myself not so much. When I did stand up for myself it would come out so aggressively that people just attributed it to PMS, which I did have a severe case of back then.
Fast forward to Thirty-two, I was fed up with my partner at the time telling me what I could and could not do. He was not my father after all. He did not have the right to tell me what I could or could not do regardless of whatever it was.
My spirituality had helped me believe in myself and started me on a discovery journey of who I really am. When I left him I realized that I no longer wanted to date men. I didn't hate them or anything I just didn't understand them. I never read John Gray's, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, but I could definitely believe it especially then.
Meanwhile my Great Aunt and cousin were suppose to be taking care of my Great Grandmother and proceeded to drain her of her financial worth, which was a very large sum when my Great Grandfather passed in 1979/1980, to being in debt when she passed in the late nineties. Yeah... not good. I really did not want to carry around their names and the energy of that.
I began to seriously consider changing my name. I also felt I was a different person. I was stronger, a lesbian, both of my girls had moved out of the house, and I was leading women's circles and events that empowered me as well as them. I most definitely did not feel like the same person.
I went on another name hunt. It had to be a strong name. I wanted it to have qualities that, if I did not have them yet, I wanted. Names that symbolized strength, courage, and independence. I was immediately drawn to Morgana/Morgan Le Fay. She was strong and magical. Hmm... I liked it very much but I kept looking. I wanted to make sure that I chose just the right name for me. I also knew that I wanted to change my last name. Though it wasn't connected to my Great Aunt and cousin, I really didn't want to be attached to my name from childhood any longer. I felt I had grown, and was still growing, into a different person. That was another lifetime and this lifetime I get to choose what I am to be called.
I still liked Willow but I felt it was too soft of a name. I wanted a stronger, empowering, almost warrior type name but I did not want to completely get rid of Willow. I saw myself as leading women to find their own inner strength and power, that I needed a really strong name to do my life's work. Though I still see myself as helping women to find their inner power, my true purpose is to help those that are drawn to what I do. That is another story altogether.
I was born in the year of the Dragon. I love Dragons and I have two Dragon tattoos. I started playing around with combining Willow and Dragon. WillowDragon, DragonWillow, Morgan D. Willows. As you can see there were multiple combinations. Taking on Dragon as part of my name was definitely going to tell people something about me as soon as I said my name and, depending on the person, what that something was could be good, bad or indifferent.
I had come back to Morgana/Morgan and decided that Morgana just sounded too formal for me. I really liked Morgan. I had finally made a decision on my name. I like how it flows and the strength of it.
That is how I came up with my name and why I chose it. That was in 2000/2001.
If you are thinking of changing your name because you don't resonate with the energy of your birth name, I highly recommend that you really take the time to research names and their meanings. Ask yourself many questions on the reasons you want to change your name and the qualities you wish to bring into your life. And don't forget to do the numerology of the name.
Mine is a five which is all about change. At one point I thought I needed to add a middle name because I realized how much change I had gone through since changing my name. I then realized my true purpose was all about change/transformation and working with Shadow which made my numerology for my new name quite appropriate.
Much Love to you on your Journey,
Morgan Dragonwillow
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Changing Your Name--Why I Changed Mine
My mother named me after my Great Aunt and her son, my cousin. Most of my life I thought my name was alright but I didn't love it. Growing up I was a frightened and shy child that practically screamed out of her pores VICTIM which carried over into my young adulthood.
Something inside of me kept tap tap tapping to come out. Small assertions began to happen. Slowly I began to stand up for myself and assert my right to be and take up space.
Interestingly enough it was my spirituality, or rather the changing of it, that began my journey of deciding to change my name. I was in a wicca class and the discussion was choosing a circle name. I was intrigued. I looked at Tree Names because I loved trees. When I came upon Willow and read the description, I knew this was my circle name. A Willow bends but doesn't break. I liked that. I wanted to be like the Willow, to be able to bend with the wind but not break.
I was twenty-six years old and didn't even truly realize how weak or how strong I really was. I was strong in standing up for my girls. I was definitely a real Mama Bear but for myself not so much. Or when I did it would come out so aggressively that people just attributed it to PMS, which I did have a severe case of back then.
Fast forward to Thirty-two, I was fed up with my partner at the time telling me what I could and couldn't do. He wasn't my father after all. He didn't have a right to tell me that I couldn't do whatever it was that I wanted to do.
My spirituality had helped me believe in myself and started me on a discovery journey of who I really was/am. When I left him I realized that I no longer wanted to date men. I didn't hate them or anything, I just didn't understand them. I never read the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus but I could definitely believe it especially then.
Meanwhile my Great Aunt and cousin were suppose to be taking care of my Great Grandmother and proceeded to drain her of her financial worth, which was around four million when my Great Grandfather passed in 1979/1980, to being in debt when she passed in the late nineties. Yeah... not good. I really didn't want to carry around their names and the energy of that.
I began to seriously consider changing my name. I also felt I was a different person. I was stronger, a lesbian, my girls had both moved out of the house, and I was leading women's circles and events that empowered me as well as them. I most definitely didn't feel like the same person.
I went on another name hunt. It had to be a strong name. I wanted it to have qualities that if I didn't have them yet I wanted them. Names that symbolized strength, courage, and independence. I was immediately drawn to Morgana/Morgan Le Fay. She was strong and magical. Hmmm... I liked it very much but I kept looking. I wanted to make sure that I chose just the right name for me. I also knew that I wanted to change my last name. Though it wasn't connected to my Great Aunt and cousins I really didn't want to be attached to my name from childhood any longer. I felt I had grown and was still growing into a different person. That was another lifetime and this lifetime I get to choose what I am to be called.
I still liked Willow but I felt it was too soft of a name. I wanted a stronger, almost warrior type name but I didn't want to completely get rid of Willow. I saw myself as leading women to find their own inner strength and power, that I needed a really strong name to do my life's work. Though I still see myself as helping women to find their inner power, my true purpose is to help all that are drawn to what I do. That is another story in and of itself.
I was born in the year of the Dragon. I loved Dragons and I have two Dragon tatoos. I started playing around with combining Willow and Dragon. WillowDragon, DragonWillow, Morgan D. Willows. As you can see there were multiple combinations. Taking on Dragon as part of my name was definitely going to tell people something about me as soon as I said my name and, depending on the person, what that something was could be good, bad or indifferent.
I had come back to Morgana/Morgan and decided that Morgana just sounded too formal for me. I really liked Morgan. I made a decision on Morgan Dragonwillow. I like how it flows.
That is how I came up with my name and why I chose it. That was in 2000/2001.
If you are thinking of changing your name because you don't resonate with the energy of your birth name, I highly reccomend that you really take the time to research names and their meanings. Ask yourself many questions on the reasons you want to change your name and the qualities you wish to bring into your life. And don't forget to do the numerology of the name.
Mine is a five which is all about change. Last year I thought I needed to add a middle name because I realized how much change I had gone through since changing my name. I then discovered my true purpose was really all about change/transformation and working with Shadow. My numerology for my new name was actually quite perfect.
Much love to you on your journey.
Something inside of me kept tap tap tapping to come out. Small assertions began to happen. Slowly I began to stand up for myself and assert my right to be and take up space.
Interestingly enough it was my spirituality, or rather the changing of it, that began my journey of deciding to change my name. I was in a wicca class and the discussion was choosing a circle name. I was intrigued. I looked at Tree Names because I loved trees. When I came upon Willow and read the description, I knew this was my circle name. A Willow bends but doesn't break. I liked that. I wanted to be like the Willow, to be able to bend with the wind but not break.
I was twenty-six years old and didn't even truly realize how weak or how strong I really was. I was strong in standing up for my girls. I was definitely a real Mama Bear but for myself not so much. Or when I did it would come out so aggressively that people just attributed it to PMS, which I did have a severe case of back then.
Fast forward to Thirty-two, I was fed up with my partner at the time telling me what I could and couldn't do. He wasn't my father after all. He didn't have a right to tell me that I couldn't do whatever it was that I wanted to do.
My spirituality had helped me believe in myself and started me on a discovery journey of who I really was/am. When I left him I realized that I no longer wanted to date men. I didn't hate them or anything, I just didn't understand them. I never read the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus but I could definitely believe it especially then.
Meanwhile my Great Aunt and cousin were suppose to be taking care of my Great Grandmother and proceeded to drain her of her financial worth, which was around four million when my Great Grandfather passed in 1979/1980, to being in debt when she passed in the late nineties. Yeah... not good. I really didn't want to carry around their names and the energy of that.
I began to seriously consider changing my name. I also felt I was a different person. I was stronger, a lesbian, my girls had both moved out of the house, and I was leading women's circles and events that empowered me as well as them. I most definitely didn't feel like the same person.
I went on another name hunt. It had to be a strong name. I wanted it to have qualities that if I didn't have them yet I wanted them. Names that symbolized strength, courage, and independence. I was immediately drawn to Morgana/Morgan Le Fay. She was strong and magical. Hmmm... I liked it very much but I kept looking. I wanted to make sure that I chose just the right name for me. I also knew that I wanted to change my last name. Though it wasn't connected to my Great Aunt and cousins I really didn't want to be attached to my name from childhood any longer. I felt I had grown and was still growing into a different person. That was another lifetime and this lifetime I get to choose what I am to be called.
I still liked Willow but I felt it was too soft of a name. I wanted a stronger, almost warrior type name but I didn't want to completely get rid of Willow. I saw myself as leading women to find their own inner strength and power, that I needed a really strong name to do my life's work. Though I still see myself as helping women to find their inner power, my true purpose is to help all that are drawn to what I do. That is another story in and of itself.
I was born in the year of the Dragon. I loved Dragons and I have two Dragon tatoos. I started playing around with combining Willow and Dragon. WillowDragon, DragonWillow, Morgan D. Willows. As you can see there were multiple combinations. Taking on Dragon as part of my name was definitely going to tell people something about me as soon as I said my name and, depending on the person, what that something was could be good, bad or indifferent.
I had come back to Morgana/Morgan and decided that Morgana just sounded too formal for me. I really liked Morgan. I made a decision on Morgan Dragonwillow. I like how it flows.
That is how I came up with my name and why I chose it. That was in 2000/2001.
If you are thinking of changing your name because you don't resonate with the energy of your birth name, I highly reccomend that you really take the time to research names and their meanings. Ask yourself many questions on the reasons you want to change your name and the qualities you wish to bring into your life. And don't forget to do the numerology of the name.
Mine is a five which is all about change. Last year I thought I needed to add a middle name because I realized how much change I had gone through since changing my name. I then discovered my true purpose was really all about change/transformation and working with Shadow. My numerology for my new name was actually quite perfect.
Much love to you on your journey.
Pondering Retrogrades and Time
I have been busy working with my other blog and it seems I have been neglecting this one. I had hopes that my partner would pick up the slack but she doesn't like to write as much as I do. Besides, it is kind of hard for her to get on the computer when I am almost always on it.
What is important to you, my readers?
What is it that you would like to know more of?
What would you like to understand better?
You can email me your answers if you prefer or you can leave them in the comment section below but I would really like to know what you would like to read here at Dragonwillow Journeys. I look forward to seeing your answers.
We are still within the Mercury Retrograde window for the next nine days as well as being in Pluto and Saturn Retrograde. Most of you probably are doing your best just to get through the day. Some of you may be wondering why you have suddenly become so introspective and not as chipper.
Well, Saturn really wants you to take a look at what isn't working. Pluto is the underworld and wants you to look at your fears. And of course Retrograde is all about the past. Put this all together and you are thinking about the past alot more than usual, trying to figure out why things are not working the way they used to and why your stomach is making you aware of things that feel a little scary.
This site is all about transformational journeys. What transformation are you avoiding? What journey have you been ignoring or putting off because the time hasn't been just right? There is no time like the present, well actually the present is all there is. If you are not doing what you love, if you are not where you love, if you are not with whom you love, then I would say now is the best time to look at that and decide what you really want. It is your life right? What are you really afraid of, really? And time marches on.
I am going to sit and ponder my life and ask myself those same questions. Let us hope that we all come up with some good answers
Much love to you,
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Blessings of the Heart-Working With Shadow
It is interesting that the more that I do this work, working with shadow, my heart grows. I find that to be most interesting.
Who would have guessed?
Well maybe some but I never would have. When you think of shadow you think of the dark places where most people don't want to go.
The places within the dark that hold secrets, but a secret held within becomes the mold that grows toxic over time.
Allowing light into the dark brings healing for all. Then the dark, moist, inner realms that hold your seeds of creation begin to grow into beautiful flowers.
May you have the courage to bring light into your dark places allowing your inner creations to blossom.
Who would have guessed?
Well maybe some but I never would have. When you think of shadow you think of the dark places where most people don't want to go.
The places within the dark that hold secrets, but a secret held within becomes the mold that grows toxic over time.
Allowing light into the dark brings healing for all. Then the dark, moist, inner realms that hold your seeds of creation begin to grow into beautiful flowers.
May you have the courage to bring light into your dark places allowing your inner creations to blossom.
Pluto in Retrograde - Increasing Your Creativity
Pluto is all about the Underworld and working with shadow and our fears: transforming them to emerge authentically empowered. Working with this shadow timing can greatly increase your creativity.
Do you know that Pluto went into Retrograde on Saturday and will be there for the next five and a half months?
You can look at it as an, "Oh great, I am not coming out of my room until it goes direct!" time or you can look at it as an opportunity.
Do you know that Pluto went into Retrograde on Saturday and will be there for the next five and a half months?
You can look at it as an, "Oh great, I am not coming out of my room until it goes direct!" time or you can look at it as an opportunity.
Let's take a look at how you can do this. I would begin by getting yourself a small notebook that you can carry around with you. Every time you feel fear jot down in your notebook the date and time and ask yourself these questions:
- Where did you feel it in your body?
- What happened that precipitated the fear?
- How did you respond to the fear?
- When you look back into your past, where do you see something like this happening before?
- Can you remember the first time you felt this fear?
- Is this a fear that actually threatens your survival or is it a body memory of a time when you were too young to protect yourself?
To actively work with it, instead of waiting for a fear to come up, would be to sit down and ask yourself what you are afraid of and then proceed with the above questions.
At the end of the five and a half months you can take a look at your notebook and see all that you have worked with and cleared. I suggest creating a living ceremony to fully transform, emerging into your Divine Essence. You can see an example of living ceremony in my article, How to Forgive Yourself and Others Through Living Ceremony. One way to fully let go and emerge is to burn the notebook during your living ceremony.
As you move through transformation some of what came up to be cleared most likely also revolved around creativity. Allow yourself to look at the types of things you liked to create as a child. Write down three to five things that you once liked to create as a child and pick one to explore every week for the next three to five weeks. Have fun with it. Approach it as a child would with fascination and wonder. Put your critic aside. Allow your creativity to grow.
May you choose to walk consciously on your path, walking through the open doors with a loving heart and much compassion for yourself and others.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Maintaining a Balanced Life filled with Passion and Purpose
If you are living at least a semi-conscious life you are in touch with your feelings enough to know when you are out of balance. When you are feeling off kilter then that is a pretty good indication that something needs to be cleaned and cleared. What do I mean by that? It means that we all have stuff that clutters our lives, minds, emotions, and spirit that need to be cleaned and cleared up so that our internal and external lives can run smoothly again.
There are at least several ways that you can achieve this. My personal favorites are energy, InnerSpeak and dance. Even if you are not able to do InnerSpeak or are not attuned to Reiki, Karuna Ki or some other energy system you can connect with the energy of Mother Earth and/or the universe
Here are a two simple sessions that you can do to clear for yourself.
It is important that we clean and clear as we notice our lives becoming cluttered so that we may be authentically awake, in the present moment, and living your life filled with passion and purpose.
Much Love to You.
There are at least several ways that you can achieve this. My personal favorites are energy, InnerSpeak and dance. Even if you are not able to do InnerSpeak or are not attuned to Reiki, Karuna Ki or some other energy system you can connect with the energy of Mother Earth and/or the universe
Here are a two simple sessions that you can do to clear for yourself.
- Write down what is bothering you as completely and as fully as you can.
- Ask if there is anything you can do about any of this. Write it down.
- Pick three pieces of music that you would like to move and dance to.
- As you dance to the first song, ask your Higher Power/God/Goddess/Mother Father God Creator of All Life for assistance in seeing what needs to be seen.
- The second song dance out (clear) everything that you no longer need in your body.
- The third song dance in the energies that will help you feel good about your life and any intentions/goals that you have.
- When you are finished you can write down any further guidance you received during the dance. I usually ask questions on the page for further assistance because I often do not hear anything during the dance.
- Find someplace that you can relax and be left alone for at least 15 minutes. You can put on relaxing music if you choose to.
- Sit or lie down comfortably and take a few long slow deep breaths. Feeling your body melting with each breath.
- Imagine roots growing from every part of your body that is touching the earth and see them moving deep into the earth.
- Feel your energy moving back and forth within those roots to the earth.
- Send the roots deeper and deeper to the very core.
- Spend a moment loving and thanking Mother Earth for all that she does. Then bring the energy from the core back up through your roots.
- Feel it as it moves into your body at your feet, spreading into every crevice within you.
- As the energy moves through you imagine all that is no longer needed within you being pushed up and out. See this energy not just clearing you but going to the root of what is bothering you and clearing that as well. Seeing anything negative or toxic immediately transforming into compost for the earth.
- Keep flowing this energy through you until you feel complete.
- Allow any excess energy to move back down into Mother Earth, sending loving and healing thoughts with it.
- Take a few deep breaths slowly moving back to the room. It is always good to ground after energy work. You can do that by washing your hands, laying your hands on the earth or eating a little bit of protein.
It is important that we clean and clear as we notice our lives becoming cluttered so that we may be authentically awake, in the present moment, and living your life filled with passion and purpose.
Much Love to You.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Empowering Roots or Toxic Thoughts
As I tried to go to sleep last night this article began playing out in my head. My first thought was toxic roots. I thought what in the world does that mean? Then I received empowering roots or toxic thoughts. Hmmm... okay, your roots are your foundation. Where your thoughts lead bring you either nourishment or toxins. Ahhhh, I think I understand where you are going with this.
Alright, then if your roots are all knarled up with toxic thoughts that don't nourish you then they feed your body with toxic energy. If, on the other hand, you have worked to clean and clear your pathways/roots/your past then you are fed nourishing energy. The more clean and clear your past, the healthier you are. That doesn't mean that nothing negative has happened in your past, it just means you have looked at it, cleared it and made peace with it. That way you are able to stay in the present instead of trailing back into the toxic roots that are poisoning you. They can't poison you if they have been cleaned and cleared.
Are your roots empowering you with healthy, loving energy or are you being filled with toxins daily?
If they are healthy, wonderful! If they are not, let's talk.
What do you think? Empowering Roots or Toxic Thoughts?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Rediscover Your Relationship with Money and Abundance

How has Mercury Retrograde reminded you about what you think about money? Is it time to reexamine your feelings? What can you do to become more receptive to the flow of abundance in your life?
If you are "Spiritual and Holistic Entrepreneurs, Healers, Creatives" and you are reexaming how you look at your feelings around money and how it is limiting your business, check out this wonderful site Professional Moneta International and read about her Signature program. She can help you shift your business into the abundant Moneta flow.
May you rediscover your inner joy.
Much Love to you.
Shadow Rhythms Launch!
This is the day I have been working so hard for! This is an incredible process that I can't wait to share with you! Take a look around, watch the video and Welcome to Shadow Rhythms!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Eating Issues - Feed Your Soul
This isn’t about just what you put in your mouth to feed your body. This is what you do to feed your Divine Essence, your soul. It is my belief that if you understood what types of nourishment feeds your soul/Divine Essence you wouldn’t have eating issues, whatever they may be. Starving yourself; your soul is starving for nourishing experiences, numbing yourself with toxic foods; your soul is numb from all the toxic experiences. Can you see how important it is to understanding what your soul needs for you to thrive?
The first step is figuring out what kind of experiences your soul needs to feel nourished. This is where your sun sign comes into play. In Shamanic Astrology your sun sign tells you the type of experiences you need to have that will nourish you. I have delved into Shamanic Astrology because I always want to know everything about how I can go deeper into my own healing and this is a very powerful way to do that.
My Sun sign is in Cancer. First off I just want to say, whoever figured out that the disease, Cancer, should be named with the same name as the astrological sign, “What were they thinking?”
The astrological sign of Cancer is all about family, home, cooking, crafts and the like. So for me, healthy experiences with good boundaries of the above mentioned makes me happy; feeds my soul. If I do not have healthy experiences with good boundaries of those experiences for long periods then I feel anxious, depressed, and would rather not get out of bed. I then begin to eat all kinds of foods that are not good for me; high in fat and lots of sugar.
If you say that you don’t have a healthy family so how can you have a healthy experience, then you need to create healthy experiences with others that will feed your Divine Essence in the same way. In other words, there have been times in my life that I didn’t have much family around. I would invite a bunch of friends over, have a potluck and create some scrumptious dish that they would all rave about. That definitely would feed my soul! This is really about you creating what you need for yourself. Not waiting for someone else to create it for you and not putting all the responsibility of your happiness in their lap. Go to to learn more about this fabulous way of looking at your life.
The second step would be clearing past experiences that are still triggering for you that have you reaching for those treats that are okay once in awhile but not every day. If you have not learned a method for clearing past issues it is one of the most important and most empowering things you can do for yourself.
Whether you use some type of energy work such as Reiki and/or Karuna Ki; or use a wonderful method such as InnerSpeak, you must have some way to clear for yourself. Sure you could go to a practitioner of these methods but being able to clear for yourself on a daily basis makes all the difference in how you feel and your ability to move forward consciously.
The key is to discover what nourishes you; create the types of healthy experiences to help you create better eating habits, and clear any past experiences that pop up that create anxiety and depression.
Morgan Dragonwillow
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The Experience-Working With Shadow for Your Success
Working with the Shadow planets you will discover unique tools to uncovering, discovering and clearing all that no longer serves you. It is such a powerful process that you will immediately notice slight shifts that will gradually move into bigger shifts until you have such a passion for life that you can't believe that you ever felt like giving up.
It is simple, do you want to continue the way things are or do you want to love your life?
I used to dread waking up. I had such anxiety that I would numb myself out any way that I could. I often pretended that I was happy thinking that someday I might be. That is no way to live. It isn't living it is waiting to die.
This is your life. What would you do if you were not afraid? How would you feel if you were treating yourself like a King or Queen and didn't allow anyone to treat you any other way? What would that look like? How would you spread the compassion for yourself to others?
Think about it and when you decide that you want lasting transformation, that you want a great life filled with love, contact me.
It is simple, do you want to continue the way things are or do you want to love your life?
I used to dread waking up. I had such anxiety that I would numb myself out any way that I could. I often pretended that I was happy thinking that someday I might be. That is no way to live. It isn't living it is waiting to die.
This is your life. What would you do if you were not afraid? How would you feel if you were treating yourself like a King or Queen and didn't allow anyone to treat you any other way? What would that look like? How would you spread the compassion for yourself to others?
Think about it and when you decide that you want lasting transformation, that you want a great life filled with love, contact me.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Old Relationships Popping Up

I looked at where my shadow planets are right now to see what I can journal about and my only Shadow energies going on at this time is Saturn square my Sun. Which means my journal questions are, "What isn't working in my life? What do I need to take a deeper look at regarding what isn't working with how I nourish my Soul?
I am going to the lake today, which definitely is good for my soul, and I will be journaling around the above as well as doing clearings for myself.
What is Mercury Retrograde reminding you to take a look at? What unfinished business or relationships need to be cleared and healed?
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Power of Vulnerability and Wholehearted People
This is phenomenal! Please share this message. It is so important. This woman does a wonderful job of sharing this information for people to be able to hear it.
Live with an open heart, vulnerable and alive. Much love to you all.
Live with an open heart, vulnerable and alive. Much love to you all.
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