
Grab a cup of tea or coffee (oh what the heck, get a danish too!) and sit a spell. You might want to grab your notebook and pen because you never know when you will be inspired to write down a quote, or jot down a poem of your own. Words are like that, they take you on a journey and the next thing you know you are breathing life into your own magical world of words.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Scary Intense Writing - Row80 Check In

Intense scary writing, writing that goes so deep that you are afraid it will tear your guts out. Resistance sets in and you begin to wonder if you can ever do it. Can you work past the resistance? Can you pull the courage out of who knows where to write the truth and touch that place that scares the heck out of you?

I felt that yesterday when I was writing a story for a writing prompt, Enough is Enough, from Story Dam. I have never had a prompt affect me quite that way. I have come up against resistance but nothing like that. It was like my body wanted to shut down. I kept writing even when it was nonsense. I wouldn't let myself stop even when it didn't make any sense at all; I kept writing for two days. Finally yesterday something started to click. I started seeing how the pieces could fit together. It was still scary but the truth often is. What I wrote for Enough is Enough.

Have you ever experienced anything like this? If you have what was it like for you and how did you get through it?

Courage is an interesting thing. Women often have courage even when they don't think they do. Here is one of my favorite courageous women writers:

Eve Ensler - Most famous for The Vagina Monologues, a daring and courageous look at the abuse of women and our sacred bodies. Some of her works include:  The Good Body - Play, The Treatment - Play, Insecure at Last: Losing it in our Security-Obsessed World, I Am An Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World

What courageous woman writer inspires you to take your writing to a deeper place?

Row80 Check In:

  • Writing in my 750words.com every day and staying on track with my goal of 50,000 words in a month.
  • I am now working on Story Dam and their weekly prompts helping me to break through the walls and get to the nitty gritty.
  • Continuing with Women's Herstory Features on my Blogs 

That about covers it this week. Hope you are breaking through walls and being courageous in your writing.

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  1. Hmmmm....

    I am more inspired by courageous characters. That is, when that crazy visceral passion hits me, it's the character who inspired it, and who drives me.

    It's a wonderful, crazy, elating feeling, though, isn't it?

    1. I guess writing fiction and writing non-fiction are totally different for me. Yes when I have courageous characters on an adventurous journey, I do feel pumped, inspired and it does drive me. But writing Enough is Enough was very different, very personal and it left me feeling very raw. When I think of raw writing I think of Eve Ensler and how very brave she was to write about something so raw that the whole world stood up to take notice. I strive to be deeply honest in my writing of both fiction and non-fiction. That journey seems to be quite hard for me. I think because I have walled off feelings that I hadn't realized I walled off until I started writing and trying to tap into those feelings.

      Thanks for stopping by, it is always a pleasure to see you.


  2. Am so glad you are finding writing prompts that take you beneath the surface, which is a scary place but knocking down those walls, as you say, is so worth it as it affects every part of one's life.

    Each time I visit your blog, there are new horizons for you, Morgan, and it's exciting. As the Daring Novelist says, it is elating as a writer and as one of your readers, my world is better for your words.


    1. Thank you Karen. I often have long periods between growth spurts but when I am in a growth period it is always in leaps and bounds. Probably because when I am ready to grow I charge ahead full steam. Even at my age I still haven't found a medium; everything is either fast or slow.

      I have much gratitude that you are journeying with me as we explore through our writing new worlds.

      P.S. I just came back from thrift store shopping and I am feeling totally charged. It is one of my favorite pastimes; finding little treasures in second hand stores. That and they are always playing music that I can hum and sing along to that makes me feel even better. :D

  3. It's odd you describe this feeling right now, Morgan, and followed up by asking if we've experienced it, because it been happening to me lately. And it seems like it should be such a simple thing, to speak of dreams and how they propel me to achieve my goals (or the reverse works as well... with what-ifs the future seems so mutable at times). But this sense that there is something deep there that has been untouched, something that I'm almost afraid to look at because of the upset that it may cause...

    Truly the search for one's own meaning can be an exalting and terrifying place. Thank you for reminding me of that.

    1. May you have compassion for your process and not let anything stop you from uncovering and discovering all that is needed for your healing journey.

      Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again soon.



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