What is your creational process?
Wow can't help but smile at that. It really depends on many factors but I have several things I do when I am feeling creative. If writing is what I am being called to do, I either reach for my notepad or my computer. I then look at my notes that I have taken during the last week or so, much of which has keywords and/or titles that I want to explore.
If I am on the computer I often have several windows up with notes, titles and story ideas, and to do lists regarding what I want to create. After I go over some or all of that I pull up a new document and begin writing whatever has come up for me during that process. Mostly it is allowing myself to relax enough, be in the moment, and opening to what wants to come through me to be written. The true work and the inspiration for the work I believe comes from Spirit.
What do you create besides writing?
I love to create so I have lots of different creative outlets. I create collages pretty regularly. Mandalas are extremely meditative and healing for me. I make beaded jewelry, crochet: I create videos out of PowerPoint Presentations, and I am now playing around with the Paint program on the computer and loving it. Oh I also journal and draw.
How did you become interested in facilitating workshops and events?
Well I certainly never thought about being a facilitator when I was growing up. It was one of those things that kind of happened. I spent a year taking spiritual classes and one of the things I participated in was a drumming circle for women. I absolutely loved it. I loved how the facilitator took this group of women that were afraid to make any noise or sounds at all to singing out loud and banging on their drums. I was one of those afraid to make any noise; I know most people find that hard to believe now. It was incredible the amount of transformation that happened within a two hour period.
We moved about two hundred miles away not long after that and I couldn't find a women's drumming circle in the new area I was living in. I waited about nine months, which some people say that was my gestation period, and I started a group of my own. I never looked back. I love gathering in a circle of women; there is something very sacred about it. It is empowering for me to facilitate circles that are so healing. To help women to embrace their inner power as they move through their process and by completion seeing them standing stronger and taller is quite amazing to witness.
What suggestions would you have for someone who thinks they are not creative?
Everyone is creative they just need to remember; to remember what it was like to color as a child, to see things new as children do, to allow yourself to explore without expectations. Their adult self thinks they aren't creative because they think they have to be perfect; expecting to get it right the first time and if they can't create like "Picasso" then they shouldn't paint or whatever creative endeavor they are interested in. Being creative is part of our nature. It is about the process of creating, allowing spirit to move through and inspire you. It is about how you feel during the doing/being. It is remembering to breathe and allow the process to lead you, instead of you leading the process.
Grab a cup of tea or coffee (oh what the heck, get a danish too!) and sit a spell. You might want to grab your notebook and pen because you never know when you will be inspired to write down a quote, or jot down a poem of your own. Words are like that, they take you on a journey and the next thing you know you are breathing life into your own magical world of words.
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