
Grab a cup of tea or coffee (oh what the heck, get a danish too!) and sit a spell. You might want to grab your notebook and pen because you never know when you will be inspired to write down a quote, or jot down a poem of your own. Words are like that, they take you on a journey and the next thing you know you are breathing life into your own magical world of words.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

TweetDeck For Writers and a Row80 Check In

I love using TweetDeck. It has been a lifesaver for me in how I am able to communicate with other writers and receive encouragement and support while I am writing. This is for those writers that don't understand how to use TweetDeck and/or how to use it to chat with other writers in #wordmongering or #editmongering. Actually you can use it to chat with anyone but often writers want to participate in #wordmongering and they aren't sure how; this is for you.

Step One:

Go to TweetDeck and then you have two options either to sign in on the web or to Download on the desktop. I chose to use on the web version because I didn't want to clutter up my computer and make it even slower than it has to be. 

It will bring up your mentions (@ Me) and your Home stream that is tweets from whom you are following.

Step 2:

To add columns you need to type in your hashtag (which is basically a keyword to find others of like mind or groups that use a certain word with a # in front of it such as #wordmongering or #row80). Some of my other favorite hashtags are: #editmongering  #1k1hr  #campnanowrimo  #author  #amwriting  #teamsprinty  #amediting  #52stories  #StoryDam  #writersroad   #writeonedge  #wip500 

When you put in the hashtag and hit enter it pulls up a box like this:

Then it will add that column and look like this:

Step Three:

When you want to interact with or respond to someone's tweet, you hover over their tweet, the symbols pop up for reply, retweet, and favorite. 

Then type in the message just make sure you put in the hashtag, such as #wordmongering before you hit Tweet.

That's all there is to it. That is the basics for getting started on TweetDeck. I will show you how to move the columns around and how to build your social platform using this great tool later this week. Have fun!

Row80 Check In:

  • Working on, Writing to the Finish Line and hopefully will have it finished by the end of this week.
  • I managed to do a travel post, St. Augustine Ghost Adventures and More,  yesterday for Dragonwillow Journeys 
  • Continuing to do 750words.com
  • Filling up my creative well by taking time for me. Yesterday I went to the Om meditation and it felt wonderfully invigorating!
That's it for now. Make sure you visit the other Rowers and leave word love in the comments. 

If you like this post please share.

Other helpful posts:


  1. First, Morgan, thanks for the Tweetdeck lesson. I'm looking forward to the next lesson!

    Also, I love St. Augustine. For several years, until last March, I lived in Gainesville, FL; we used to go to St. Augustine a lot.

    It looks like you are doing very well on your goals. I have pondered using 750 words, but have never jumped into the pool. I really should--that free writing/journalling is so helpful in priming the creative pump.

    Have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I am glad you enjoyed it. Yes, St. Augustine is one of our favorite places to go and I can't wait until our next trip!

      I do so enjoy being able to use 750words.com to vent, rant, and for just about anything else. I am looking forward to using it more often again.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing word love!


  2. Great post on TweetDeck. I'm a big fan of their service and HootSuite, though TweetDeck has the advantage for Twitter. Thanks for sharing the hashtags. I haven't tried all of those yet, so I'll be sure to give them a go.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Michael and always happy to share hashtags.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing word love!



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