
Grab a cup of tea or coffee (oh what the heck, get a danish too!) and sit a spell. You might want to grab your notebook and pen because you never know when you will be inspired to write down a quote, or jot down a poem of your own. Words are like that, they take you on a journey and the next thing you know you are breathing life into your own magical world of words.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Follow Your Bliss

Follow Your Bliss to Machu Picchu
Photo courtesy of PublicDomainPictures
by Kai Stachowiak

Poets are a sensitive bunch.
We feel things deeply and
that translates onto the page.
We have highs,
so high,
and lows that are
in the deepest of despair.
We move with the energies.
We move with music
we can hear
and sometimes
music that others can't hear.
Everything we feel
lands on the page
sooner or later.
Be kind to your
Be kind on your
poetic journey.
It isn't a race.
It isn't a competition.
It's all about love.
Follow your bliss.

Move your body, move your words.
Morgan Dragonwillow

Hop on over to OctPoWriMo to check out the prompts, write poetry on your blog, and share love in the comments of other poets on their blogs.


  1. Thank you for this. I love your last line "Follow your bliss".

  2. My favorite line is "sometimes music others can't hear." So true!

  3. A message of kindness to our poetic process and our journey. Something many of us need to remember. Thank you. xoA


Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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